Keeping our
people safe.

Talk to an advocate
1 (951) 392-1919
Crime victim advocacy center
Group raising hands in the air.

What we do

It is our objective to promote the safety and well-being of our Native communities.

We work to end all victimization against our tribal people through advocacy and education efforts that include prevention, intervention, and the fostering of resiliency.

Live a life without violence.


What we can help you with

  • Emergency short term & basic needs
  • Emergency sheltering
  • Transitional housing
  • Transport / Public transportation assistance
  • Small home repair & locksmith (limited)
  • Burial / Funeral assistance (limited)
  • Advocacy & therapy

Please talk to an Advocate to see how we may be able to assist in your healing journey and restoration. Call us at 1 (951) 392-1919 (24/7 hotline) or 1 (951) 763-5547 (office/center).

more ways we can help

This list is a summary and is more of a snap-shot of what we can assist with. Every case is different and requires flexible planning.

Immediate safety

  • Transportation to shelter/motel
  • Provide emergency motel stay
  • Provide emergency needs (food, baby items, toiletries, clothing, etc.)
  • Transport to other providers to obtain resources (Medical, BHS, Tribal Resources…)

Emergency housing

  • 30-90-day shelter stay at an area shelter
  • Transportation to obtain services (Cal-Fresh, Medical, TANF, IHS, SSDI, DMV, CPS)
  • Provide for: Groceries, Toiletries, baby items…
  • Provide Fuel cards
  • Provide short-term child care
  • Assist with filling out and filing Protective Orders
  • Provide court accompaniment
  • In-house therapy
  • Tele-therapy
  • Group/support/talking circles (online)

Transitional housing

  • Assist with procuring long-term housing (Provide Security Deposit)
  • Assist with Utility hookup
  • Can provide monthly utility assistance (payor of last resort)
  • Assist with basic furnishings
  • Assist with lock-smith service, “small” auto/home repairs as a direct result of a crime
  • Advice on budgeting, cooking, cleaning, time management, paying bills, and other basic life-skills
  • Referrals to other services (BHS, Educational Resources, Group/DV Classes, etc.

If you don’t see something listed that you need help with, please call and speak to an advocate. We may be able to offer support or refer you to another agency who can help.

Service area

Our service area consists of the four consortium tribal member communities within the four reservations. As well as the surrounding communities of Riverside County, San Diego County (north), and parts of San Bernardino County. Additionally, we will also provide services to non-native people in these service areas.

please note:

All services are confidential and free of charge, but are dependent on available funds. If funds are unavailable, we can work with you to find other resources.


Talk to an advocate
1 (951) 392-1919
Crime victim advocacy center
Therapist and patient talking.

Who we are

The Cahuilla Consortium is formed by the Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeńo Indians, the Cahuilla Band of Indians (Current Lead), the Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians, and the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians.

We have been advocating for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking, and Sex/Human Trafficking since 2010. We can now assist victims of crime.

Each Tribe is represented on our Advisory Committee:

  • One delegate from each of the Consortium Tribes
  • A representative from California Indian Legal Services
  • A representative from our local Indian Health Clinic

*The Advisory Committee meets monthly to provide policy guidance and to serve as a conduit to the tribal communities.

Meet our team

Samantha Thornsberry

Samantha Thornsberry

Program Director

Patricia Lerma

Patricia Lerma

Office Manager

Nina Acosta

Nina Acosta

Victim Advocate

Joseph Saenz Yanez

Joseph Saenz Yanez

Victim Advocate

Jeff Featherstone

Jeff Featherstone

Maintenance Manager

Dulce Alvarez

Dulce Alvarez

Victim Advocate

Anu Watts

Anu Watts

Outreach, Prevention, & Education Coordinator

What is our purpose?


It is our mission to promote the health, safety, and well-being of our community members who have been victimized by violence.


  • - Education
  • - Housing
  • - Respite
  • - Vocation
  • - Community
  • - Culture
How we seek to help


We work diligently to end all victimization against our tribal people through advocacy and education efforts that include prevention, intervention, and the fostering of resiliency.


Talk to an advocate
1 (951) 392-1919
Crime victim advocacy center
Girl holding hand up palm facing forward


If you don’t see something listed that you need help with, please call and speak to an advocate. We may be able to offer support or refer you to another agency who can help.

What is domestic violence?

Generally, domestic violence is a pattern of behavior, including physical violence or sexual violence, by an intimate (current or former) partner. It is seen in both male/female and same sex partner relationships.

Domestic violence takes many forms and includes a range of actions intended to control:

Red flags

  • - using children
  • - emotional abuse
  • - economic abuse
  • - coercion and threats
  • - minimizing, denying and blaming
  • - cultural abuse
  • - ritual abuse
  • - male privilege
  • - sexual abuse
What if I have an open CPS case? Does this make me ineligible for assistance?


We can help you and assist with mediating with CPS.Be sure to tell your Advocate that you have a CPS case open, so that we can better understand you and your children’s needs.

What can you do?

Remember, every human being should be treated with respect. Women are sacred. When something is held as being sacred, it is to be respected, honored and held with high regard of its power. This means that when you are treated with respect, you are being given messages in words and actions that show you that you are valued, loved, and treated with care. Every human being should be able to expect this from their intimate partner, husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend. 

What are things the CCVAP cannot do?

Unfortunately, we cannot represent you in court, as we are not attorneys, however, we can refer you to a legal aid resource. Also, we cannot pay any past due bills or fines or fees on any judgments or tickets.

Does the CCVAP only assist domestic violence clients?


We can assist victims of crime, which could encompass a number of different types of crime. Additionally, we assist sexual assault, human trafficking, and stalking survivors. If you are a victim of a crime or assault, please call and talk to an Advocate so that we can assess your situation and how we can help.

Do you need help?

Remember that the most recognized form of domestic violence is physical violence, which may include hitting, punching, slapping, strangling or kicking. However, domestic violence can also encompass verbal abuse, psychological abuse, financial abuse, spiritual abuse, and cultural abuse. At the heart of the domestic violence is power and control. If you think you need help, but you may feel unsure about what kind of help you need, call and speak to one of our Advocates, who can talk with you about your situation. We are here to help you, when you are ready.

Office Hours: 9AM to 5PM, call 951-763-5547

After Hours: 951-392-9818

Do you have to be Native American to receive help from the CCVAP?


We assist anyone who calls us. As long as we have available funding, we will help you. However, we do give priority to those tribal communities that we receive funding on behalf of (Cahuilla, Los Coyotes, Santa Rosa and Torres Martinez).

Do I have to take out a restraining order?


This is not required. However, if you need to obtain a restraining order, we can help you do this by helping you fill out the paperwork, transporting you to court, and going with you to provide emotional support. It’s good to know that most of the RO paperwork can now be done online.

Do I have to have a police report in order to get services?


But, the Advocate will be asking questions about when and where the assault or crime took place. It is helpful if you do have a police report to mention it, but this is not a requirement to obtaining services.

Are you living with domestic violence?
  • Have you ever been hit, slapped, kicked or punched by your partner?
  • Have you every been choked or strangled by your partner?
  • Is your partner asking you questions about whether you are faithful or is he/she expressing jealousy?
  • Are you starting to feel like you are losing your relationships with family and friends because of your partner’s actions?
  • Has your partner ever threatened to hurt you to get you to do something?
  • Has your partner ever hurt you?
  • Has your partner ever hurt your pets?
  • Has your partner ever destroyed your property or things you care about?
  • Has your partner ever tried to stop you from going to school, work or doing things you like to do?
  • Has your partner ever forced you to have sex when you did not want to?
  • Does your partner regularly insult you?
  • Are you ever afraid of your partner or of going home? Does he/she make you feel unsafe?
  • If you answered “yes” to any one of these questions, please call and speak to an Advocate.

What's new

NIWRC Specialty Institute: Enhancing Indigenous Advocacy for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Impacted by Trauma, Mental Health, and Substance Use.

August 30, 2024

NIWRC Specialty Institute: Enhancing Indigenous Advocacy for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Impacted by Trauma, Mental Health, and Substance Use.

July Legislation & Updates

July 25, 2024

July Legislation & Updates

Feather Alert Presentation

May 31, 2024

Feather Alert Presentation

2024 Strengthening Sovereign Responses to Sex Trafficking in Indian Country and Alaska Conference

April 30, 2024

2024 Strengthening Sovereign Responses to Sex Trafficking in Indian Country and Alaska Conference

reach out anytime,
our advocates are
here for you.

Humming bird and flowers

This website was produced by the Cahuilla Consortium under grant award #2019-VO-GX-0010, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this website are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
