National Day for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Awareness

April 28, 2023 | by: Cesar Segura
National Day for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Awareness

As many readers of our blog are aware, the 5th of May is the National Awareness Day for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW). In 2017, Senator Steve Dianes and Jon Tester from Montana introduced a resolution for a National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Native American Women and Girls. This recognition was brought in response to the murder of Hanna Harris, a member of the Northern Cheyenne Reservation and other killings and abductions of Native American women across the country. The date was recognized as a National Date of Awareness by President Joe Biden in May of 2021.

Since 2021, the 5th of May has been recognized as a day to honor Native American Relatives who have gone missing or those who have passed on because of violence. Since the day of awareness is next Friday, we have decided to highlight a few ways we can honor Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women.

  • Educate yourself and/or others on the MMIW/MMIP epidemic. Though research on this topic is limited, ensuring we are educated on the topic of MMIW can be an amazing way to help end the epidemic and honor those who have been affected by it. Additionally, educating others can provide more exposure to the crisis and help bring out more allies for change.
  • Support key legislation that directly supports work or programs aimed at ending the epidemic. Some key legislations include the reauthorization of the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act that includes key tribal provisions. Additionally, there are a few California specific assembly bills aimed at addressing the epidemic.
  • Support Advocates for change. Linked are two short films highlighting the epidemic which can be a powerful resource in providing critical education to those around you: “Bring Her Home” - and Voices Unheard -

