The Not Invisible Act Commission

June 23, 2023 | by: Cesar J Segura
The Not Invisible Act Commission

Last week, members of our team were able to provide advocacy to families and survivors of those effected by the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Person crisis. As part of our work, we attended the Not Invisible Act Commission Hearing hosted by the Blue Lake Rancheria on their Tribal lands. During the event, our team provided emotional support and advocacy services as family members and survivors provided testimony to the commissioners appointed by the Department of the Interior. Over the two-day hearing, we heard anecdotical evidence from California Residents of the many issues that perpetuate the MMIP crisis including misclassification of causes of death, lack of resources allocated to investigations, and jurisdictional issues among other common themes. These hearings are a result of the Not Invisible Act of 2019 which was signed into law to help address the MMIP crisis in the United States.

The Not Invisible Act Commission has been appointed to host 7 hearings throughout the United States. The commission hearing that took place last week was the only hearing to take place in California. After all 7 hearings have taken place, the commission will make recommendations to the Department of the Interior and Department of Justice with hopes of improving coordination efforts and establishing best practices for state/tribal/federal law enforcement agencies.

The commission hearings not only listen to the stories of MMIP survivors and families to determine shortfalls but also listen to recommendations families have for the government. Although 5 of the 7 commission hearings have taken place already, two more are to come. One will be on June 29th and 30th in Albuquerque, New Mexico and another on July 25th and 26th in Billings, Montana. Registration links to provide testimony at these events can be found below.

Additionally, virtual testimony is being accepted by the commission. If you or your family has been affected by the MMIP crisis, you can provide written testimony, questions, and/or recommendations to the commission by emailing with a subject line of “NIAC Testimony”. A virtual hearing will also be taking place later this summer. We will do our best to provide information to this hearing upon its release.

Albuquerque Hearing Registration -

Billings Hearing Registration -

reach out anytime,
our advocates are
here for you.

Humming bird and flowers

This website was produced by the Cahuilla Consortium under grant award #2019-VO-GX-0010, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this website are those of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
